Searching for Love?      


   How to find true love ...

  ... And laugh at our mistakes in the process!

Must-read article 


The Law of Attraction and Love:  how does it work and how can we apply it to find love?  

Does the Law of Attraction really work and how can we use it to find love or improve our relationship?  Let’s find out the truth about ‘the Secret’ and how it can be applied to help us daily.


Since the days when ‘The Secret’ came out I was fascinated by it.  Many people cashed in and it was the buzz around town, so to speak.  Some asserted it had changed their lives for the better and others insisted that it was all nonsense.  Many tried to make it work for them without a shred of success, despite the ‘hype’.  I worked on it for years (literally), studied it in many different ways and concluded that the law of attraction does work if applied in the right manner. 


What is it:  simplistically put, the ‘law of attraction’ is a law of ‘like-attracts-like’.  What it means is that if you feel love you will attract more love; if you feel sorrow you are likely to attract more sorrow; if you feel beautiful you are likely to be seen as beautiful by others; if you feel ugly you are likely to be seen as ugly by others (and so on).  The simple explanation of why this happens is that our thoughts and feelings attract (from ‘the universe) the same into our lives.  Some interpretations of quantum physics have recently shed more light on it:  our feelings and thoughts are emanated onto our energy field, which contains energy and ‘information’; this energy ‘matrix’ works in osmosis with our body which, if stressed or traumatized or filled with sorrow, may become ‘dis’-eased (ill) because the information on how to be in biological harmony is no longer coming through perfectly.  Similarly, we send ‘out’ information (and energy) which is imbalanced, patchy, ‘stressed’ which ‘latches’ on onto similar ‘deficient’ energy creating pain and sorrow, or further stress, or exactly what we ‘send out’.  So, if we are living chaotically in our mind and our emotions, our life is going to become more and more chaotic in every aspect, perpetuating a vicious circle.    


How does this affect our love life?


By the same process, even if we are in a good relationship at the beginning, by emanating negative thoughts we being to ‘disrupt’ the energy field around us and ‘faulty’ love will be created.  If we are single, by emanating negative thoughts or feelings, we can only ‘attract’ more loneliness or, if we attract a mate, a ‘faulty’ mate. 


What types of feelings and thoughts work best, according to the law of attraction? 


This is where it gets tricky.  Whilst, on one hand, it’s better to be generally ‘positive’ rather than stressed or depressed (of course), a general positive attitude does not necessarily yield the results one would expect from applying the law of attraction.   


This is why life coaches tend to say that ‘focus’ is an important approach to one’s life.  Not only do we have to try and keep a positive or at least a neutral ‘energy’ in our daily living, no matter how challenging things may get; but, if we wish to attract specific love, we need to focus our thoughts and feelings towards that kind of specific love.  Thus, if you are single and you wish to attract true love, you need to focus on pure loving feelings, the satisfaction of being loved, the fulfillment it gives your life and so on.   


This is hard to so because, when we are single and looking for love we tend to focus on feelings of loneliness or ‘wanting’, rather than on feelings and thoughts of ‘being satisfied, being loved’.  A good start, therefore, is that on focusing on self-love; by this I don’t mean selfishness, I mean on loving our body, loving our face, loving our eyes, loving our heart, our mind, and perpetually acting towards ourselves with love; it has nothing to do with vanity but all to do with appreciating who we are inside and out.  It may feel ‘strange’ at first, especially if you have been suffering from low self-esteem, but it’s an exercise that needs to be undertaken every day and, in a few weeks, you will not only understand it but you will begin to feel ‘love’.  This in turn will ‘attract’ more love and you will be able to extend the focus on other feelings of love.  Start believing, thinking and feeling the way you would feel if you had already found an amazing partner who loves you for the person you really are, the real you (not the ‘front’, not the made-up you) without criticism and unconditionally.  If you cannot feel this way 24 hours a day (which, admittedly, is not easy to do), dedicate at least 20 minutes every day on ‘meditating’ on it, on focusing on those feelings.  One way to do it is to sit in down in a quiet place (or surrounded by nice sounds which will help you focus) and literally day-dream on an experience of love you want to create in your life.  Day dream it as if it were real, so that your body and your mind begins to feel it through and through and starts to emanate the right ‘love’ energy.     

This is not hocus-pocus.  Even at a pure psychological level it’s a mini-miracle, it’s essential self-healing at the very least.  But, from a law of attraction point of view, it’s how it’s done with applied to love.


Meditating Love is essential to finding true love.  I sometimes call it a love spell, but it’s actually a meditative trance using the law of attraction which works wonders.  Find out more on Love Attraction Trance